Friday, May 24, 2013

Past, Present, Future...

If some one would have told me 3 weeks ago that I wouldn't be watching my son suffer anymore, I wouldn't have believed it. Brayden's spells started after birth, losing his breath each time he cried for a short period of time before starting to cry again. At 14 mos old he had a seizure and lost consciousness with the spell for the first time. Shortly after that he started having seizures without a proceeding spell. From that moment on our days were full of heartache as we watched our son suffer a condition even medical professionals didn't know much about. The continuing ER visits, doctor and specialist appointments and inconclusive testing as I fought to get my son the care and attention that he deserved from professionals who believed it was purely behavioral, led to me quitting my job to be there for him...a decision I will never regret.  I spent days and nights (sometimes to the wee hours of the morning) researching in hopes to find answers that were nowhere in sight.  Finally after pushing for so long to get the testing I requested from day one, we got an answer to the seizures that were not preceded by a BHS.  Brayden was put on a trial of Keppra which proved to be not much of a help, while causing side effects that were as hard to watch him suffer through as the conditions themselves. He lost his appetite, sometimes going a whole day without eating, he was spaced out, unresponsive to us, and suffered rage attacks. Doctors acted as if this was normal two year old behavior being mistaken for side effects and decided to increase his dose to the highest recommended for his age in hopes to stop the seizures.  That is when I put my foot down and decided to take matters into my own hands.

See, as a parent, watching your child suffer through a medical condition is hard enough, knowing that they are suffering for a decision made by you (putting him on the trial of Keppra), well that is the worst. I knew I had to do something, and with the help and support of a group of parents whose children suffer the same condition, it was possible.  In all my research, I never thought to look at the holistic approach to healing.  Having been going to school, and enrolled in the nursing program my efforts were to find the scientific answer to this problem. Now, I know there is another way, and there is no reason to ignore it, or pass up on the opportunity to help your child no matter how far "out of the box" it may be.  Thanks to essential oils, we are celebrating Brayden's 3rd week BHS and seizure free! This is a huge accomplishment since doctors tell you they will grow out of it between 6 & 8 and that there is no treatment.  Because of the oils I no longer have to watch my son suffer a condition that looks like death on a daily basis, I know longere sit by helpless as he seizes. I feel free, and hopeful for other parents that they will find these essential oils to use on their own children.

In the past month I have begun efforts to bring awareness to this condition. As a result of a meeting with my state rep, legislation is being introduced to observe July 14th as Involuntary Breath Holding Awareness Day, he is requesting the cooperation of CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) to help find answers by furthering research and education on this topic.  A website is in the works to bring resources for parents, and accurate information to turn to so they won't have to feel the helplessness that current parents of children with this condition have.  I feel the future is bright for  this topic.  One day people will hear the term Breath Holding Spells and not hold us parent responsible for bad parenting and label our children as "willfully defiant".  

If you are a parent of a child who has been diagnosed with Breath Holding Spells, and are looking for ways to help them when medicine hasn't, follow this link to order your oils. If you have questions on which oils to use and how to apply, feel free to ask! I am happy to spread the word on these oils so you can give your child the same relief I been able to provide for mine!  

See the difference for yourself...

Thank you for reading and for your continued support!

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