Wednesday, August 22, 2012

One & a Half Hour EEG:
Part 1: Sleep Deprivation Boot Camp 
Sleep Deprivation began on Tuesday August 21. Brayden was not allowed to nap, and lasted until the test.  We had to keep him up to as close to midnight as possible, and wake him up as close to 5am as possible Wednesday morning. Be prepared to be as sleep deprived as your child is, if not more, because you are the one working to keep them up/wake them up, as well as take care of your normal daily business.  2 of my life savers were..

...water play and bath time (not pictured obviously).
We also enjoyed coloring...
In the end we made it very close to midnight...

11:43pm                                              11:45pm

EEG Day:
Waking up at 5am isn't easy for anyone...
But we made it through the day and to the test. As with our last visit to DuPont, it was nice to be in a hospital where care and concern take precedence.  The hospital itself is child friendly, bright, easy to find your way around.  The entire staff from those that great you at the door, to the nurses and doctors are not only there to make money...the genuinely care for your child and it shows, and it feels good to be there.  Even though I'd rather not have to be here with my son.  WE had a rough start as the EEG Tech tried to hurry through the electrode application process.  Brayden was for obvious reasons not happy.  But they put Toy Story on for him and let me hold him (rather than using hospital restraints like they did last year at that "other" hospital).  He calmed down and within 15 mins fell asleep, which is how he remained the rest of the test.

Will keep you posted...

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