Monday, August 20, 2012

The Calm Before the Storm...
Ok, well that might be a little dramatic but I think I'm entitled to dramatics every now and then, lol.

What I'm referring to is the peaceful night I'm having compared to what I'm assuming my night will be like tomorrow as we prepare for Brayden's 1 1/2 hr sleep deprived EEG.  In preparing for this EEG, we have to keep Brayden up to as close to midnight as possible tomorrow night and wake him up as close to 5am as possible Wednesday morning.  His EEG is not until 2:30pm on Wednesday.  It is going to be a rough day, trying to keep him up while he is so tired and cranky.  It's hard when you know that the best thing for your child is also going to be the hardest thing to watch him go through.

It's been hard to find anything online regarding a 2yr old having a 1 1/2hr EEG, so I will document as much as I can in hopes that it will help some one else going through this.

1 comment:

  1. Can you email me at I have a 3 1/2 year old with Mitochondrial Disease who is a breath holder. He started losing consciousness around 5 months, and at his worst would do it up to 15 times a day. He has a list of other issues, so I'm not trying to suggest your son also has Mito, but I've never come across someone else that has a child that does this as often so I would like to swap notes. Here's a link to some of Grant's older episodes.

